Prophet Muhammed (SAWS) is reported to have said, “The foundation of Islam rests on five pillars:

  1. To bear witness of the fact that there is no god except Allah (SWT) and Muhammed (SAWS) is His Servant and Messenger.
  2. To offer Namaz regularly.
  3. To pay the poor tax ( Zakat ).
  4. To fast (Roza during the month of Ramadan and
  5. To perform pilgrimage ( Hajj ),” narrated by Hazarath Abdullah bin Omer (RA) and reported by Bukhari and Muslim).

Hazarath Ibni Masood (RA) [a companion of Prophet Muhammed (SAWS) once asked the prophet, “which act does Allah (SWT) like the most” He replied, “To offer Namaz in time.” Then he asked “Next to this which (act)” The Prophet replied, “To be good to parents.” “He again asked, “Next to this?” Then Prophet replied, “To fight in the way of Allah (SWT).” Reported by Bukhari and Mulsim).

 Prophet Muhammed (SAWS) is reported to have said:

"The only wall that differentiates a Muslim from an unbeliever is Namaz and not offering Namaz wipes off this difference (that is, a Muslim not offering Namaz goes closer to disbelief)" (Narrated by Hazarath Jabir (RA) and reported by Muslim).

Prophet Muhammed (SAWS) once asked his companions, "If a stream is flowing in front of one's door and if he bathes in it five times daily, will any dirt remain on him?" His companions replied " No dirt will remain on him." The Prophet Muhammed, (SAWS) explained "Similar is the case of offering Namaz five times a day, due to it Allah (SWT) wipes off the sins." ( Narrated by Hazarath Abu Hurrairah (RA) and reported by Bukhari and Muslim).

In view of the above passages quoted form Holy Quran and Hadis, offering Namaz is an order of Allah (SWT) and His messenger and in view of the fact that we are Muslims that is those who are required to obey Allah and Prophet Muhammed (SAWS), offering Namaz is our duty that should not be avoided.

1. Namaz is the most important deed after Iman.
2. Due to it we get peace of mind and heart.
3. It keeps us away from evil and shameful deeds.
4. It wipes off sin.
5. If we do not offer Namaz we go nearer to disbelief, the punishment for which is hell.
6. The reward for being regular at Namaz is paradise. Besides offering Namaz or doing anything good is for our  
    own benefit, in no way do we oblige Allah (SWT) because He is free from all wants. In fact we should be 
    thankful to Allah (SWT) to have selected us from amongst millions of human beings to stand before Him
    offering Namaz and thereby getting reward both in this world and in the life hereafter death.


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