The issue of women in Islam is highly controversial. Any materials on this subject,
whether in print or online, should be used with caution because of the lack of
objectivity. While it is generally agreed
that the rights granted to women in the Qur'an and by the prophet Muhammad were a vast
improvement in comparison to the situation of women in Arabia prior to the advent of
Islam, after the
Prophet's death the condition of women in Islam began to decline and revert back to
pre-Islamic norms. Yet just as the women's movement in the West began to pick up steam
in the twentieth century, the same thing occured, although to a lesser extent, in the
Muslim world at this time. Feminists in the Muslim world in the twentieth century (until the
1980's) were generally upper
class women whose feminism was modeled after feminists in the West. But just
as modern socio-political models in the Muslim world after the colonial period
began, in the 20th century, to shift from Western models of society and government to
models, feminism in the Muslim world began to take on Islamic forms rather than aping
the Western feminist form. This has been true not merely for Muslim women but for women
throughout the entire third
world. Having thrown off the schackles of colonial imperialism, women of the third
increasingly growing resistant to the cultural imperialism marketed by the West, even
in the
form of feminism. Hence, third world women, like women of color in the West, are
realizing that while they have certain things in common with the struggle of
Euro-American feminists, what is best for Euro-American women is not necessarily going
to be best for them. Consequently Muslim women have been developing a
distinctly "Islamic"
feminism, just as women
of color in the West have been
developing "womanism" in contrast to feminism, which primarily was shaped by
the concerns of upper-class Euro-American women. One example of the
differences between Western feminism and Islamic feminism concerns the issue of
"veiling." The hijab (often translated as "veil") is the form of
scarf or hair covering commonly worn by Muslim women. It has always been
seen by the Western feminist as oppressive and as a symbol of a Muslim woman's
subservience to
men. As a result, it often comes as a surprise to Western feminists that the veil has
become increasingly common in the Muslim world and is often worn proudly by college
girls as a symbol of
an Islamic identity, freeing them symbolically from neo-colonial Western cultural
imperialism and domination.
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