Did You Know This ?

(1) In 2nd Hijri, Fasting was made Obligatory and Sadaqah-e-Fitr Wajib on Muslims.
(2) Among the names of the months,only Ramadhan has come in the Quraan.
(3) Regarding 30 days for Farz Fasting,some Awlmas derives this Hiqmat, that the Fruit which Hazrat Adam ate,remained in his stomach for 30 days and when Tauba of Hazrat Adam was accepted,Allah ordered the fasting of 30 days in which fasting in night was also included but for the Ummat of Prophet Muhammad only fasting during Day remained Obligatory.
(4) Rasulallah said ,"One who attended the gathering of Deen in the month of Ramzaan,he will be rewarded with the reward equal to the Ibaat of 1 year for his every single step and He will be with me under the Arsh.SubhaanAllah
(5) During Ramzaan,one who performs his prayer regularly with congregation,On the Day of Qiyamah,For his every Rakaat Allah(Subhaanwataala) will give him a City(place) filled with his bounties.
(6) One who fulfils the need of a Muslim in the month of Ramzaan,On the Day of Qiyamah,Allah will fulfil his 1000 needs.
(7) In one of the Narrations ,it is said that during Ramzaan,Allah orders the Angels holding the Asrh to leave their Ibaadat and Say Aameen on the Dua of fasting people.
(8) The Year in which Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa passed away ,He performed Itikaaf(Seclusion) for 20 days of fasting.
(9) According to Imam Shafi ,During fast,it is not allowed to do Miswaak after Noon and it is MAkrooh.And according to Imam Abu Hanifait is permissible to do Miswaak anytime even after Noon and it is one of the sunnah of Wudhu(Ablution).
(10) Namaaz,Sajdah etc is performed by Angels,humanbeings and every Makhlook but Fasting is the only Ibaadat for Humanbeings which is not Fardh on any Makhlook,not even on Angels and Jinns.


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