When Allah created the earth it began to shake. Then Allah created the mountains and put them on it. Then the earth became stable. The angels marvelled at the strength of the mountains.They said: 0, Lord, is there anything in Your creation that is stronger than mountains?
Allah said: Yes, iron.They said: 0, Lord, is there anything in Your creation that is stronger than iron?
Allah said: Yes, fire.They said: 0, Lord, is there anything in Your creation that is stronger than fire?
Allah said: Yes, water.They said: 0, Lord, is there anything in Your creation that is stronger than water?
Allah said: Yes, wind.They said: 0, Lord, is there anything in Your creation that is stronger than wind?
Allah said: Yes, a person who gives charity with his right hand and hides it from his left hand.

1 comment:

  1. blank

    SUBHAN ALLAH. if possible, please provide reference about the above notation.
    jazak Allah
