Muslim Prayer guide

the first 2 units (raka'ts) of a prayer are said Audible or silently in ones heart

Thus the
FAJR (morning) Prayer consists of 2 units (raka'ts), the DHUHR (Early Afternoon) Prayer and ASR (late afternoon ) prayer and ISHA ( night ) prayer all 4 consist units (raka'ts) and finally the MAGHRIB (sunset) prayer consists of 3 units (raka'ts).

The other difference is that the First 2 rakaats of
FAJR, MAGHRIB and ISHA  prayers are recited loudly and the remaining rakaats of these prayers are recited silently.
However all 4 rakaats of DHUHR and ASR are recited silently 

I suggest you print this out and practice holding the pages reciting what is there to be recited in their respective body positions.

Going through the motions repeatedly will help you learn quickly. Also look at the video and the flash movie as it will help you see the postures and movements. May Allah make it easy for you.

Males garments/pants should be above the ankles (unlike in the picture. Inshallah better diagrams will be made as soon as possible).
Women's garment should be a forearms lower than her skins (measure your arm length , from elbow to longest finger, if this is say is 45 cm,  )  then form your skins and ) thus her feet will be completely covered.

Women are NOT supposed to pray when they are menstruating and   experiencing post-childbirth bleeding.  
Abstaining from prayers for a women experiencing post-childbirth bleeding is a maximum of   forty (40) days. If her bleeding stops before the 40 days she must make ghusl and start praying.
Also at the end of her menstruation she must make ghusl and begin her prayers.

Just before Prayer

Establishing the Sutrah (A Tall Object About The Height Of A Saddle, Just Beyond the Place of Prostration, Within Which Nothing Should Pass) Place anything (about the height of a saddle) just beyond the place of prostration.  Things that can be used are: a wall, bed, tall pillow, tall purse, tall stick, tree, etc. Anything that breaks the path between the person praying and someone who "may" need to pass in front.  It's best to pray facing a wall, bed, or any other type of tall object, so that there will be no need for someone to pass directly in front.  Do not mind anyone who passes beyond the sutrah.
The Prophet (SAW) said, "Do not pray except towards a sutrah, and do not let anyone pass in front of you, but if someone continues (to try to pass) then fight him, for he has a companion (i.e. a Shaitan) with him." (Sahih - Al-Bukhari and Ahmad)
"When he (SAW) prayed (in an open space where there was nothing to use as a sutrah) he would plant a spear in the ground in front of him and pray towards it with the people behind him." (Sahih - Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
The Prophet (SAW) said, "When one of you places in front of him something such as the stick on the end of a saddle, he should pray and not mind anyone who passes beyond it." (Sahih - Muslim and Abu Dawood)


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