Following Way of Forefathers Or Prophet Muhammad SAW

Al-Quran: 2:170
“When they are asked to follow that which Allah has revealed, they say, “no! We would rather follow the path that we found our forefathers pursuing.” even if their forefathers understood nothing? (even if) they were misguided?”


The noble verse of Quran speaks about those people who used to argue with Muhammad s.a.w.w and used to say that they why would they believe in HIM s.a.w.w when their forefathers were not told an alternative and they found their ancestors doing the same what they used to do. So ALLAH swt asked these people that they would have followed their forefathers even when they knew that they were wrong and misguided.
Even today, when non muslims are invited to deen-e islam, they tell the same i.e. why to convert to islam when they have found their forefathers following the same religion without any trouble. Leave aside non muslims when the muslims of different sects are told that the practice they are doing in the name of islam is wrong and not as per Quran and Sunnah, they stand up and argue that they have found their forefathers following the same set of rules that they follow today.

There have been introduced many wrong practices in islam and these practices are followed with so much zeal that they seem to be real but when their history is checked they turn up as fake and biddats. Introducing any new thing in islam is a grave sin because this will only mean that ALLAH SWT HAS NOT PREFECT THE DEEN FOR US, which is wrong and totally a kufr.

ALLAH swt has reveled many verses in Quran that speak about those people who used to do wrong and then they used to associate their practices with their forefathers and this was the only justification they could give to justify their acts. Same is the thing we see today, when people of different sects follow their IMAMS and PIRS and present THEIR acts as the only justification. They forget to refer to Quran and SUNNAH and only stick to what their pir and imam has said or told.

ALLAH swt says in Quran: 5:104

“When they are told, “Come to what Allah has revealed, come to the prophet” they say, “Whatever we found our forefathers doing is good enough for us.” Even though their forefathers knew nothing at all, nor were they guided?”

In the verse quoted above we see a very common expression of those who deny or run away from Quran and Sunnah and rely only on what their pirs and imams told them to do. And they even follow what their imams and pis did rather than following what Quran had orders and what Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w did. The other part of this verse again says that they do not think even for a minute that what if their forefathers or pirs or imams are wrong and whatever they did was only a nonsense? Such a the people who are blinded and who are made deaf because they reply more on people than on ALLAH swt.

In another verse of Nobel Quran ALLAH swt say: 6:148

“Those who set up partners (to worship) besides Allah will surely say, “Had Allah so willed we and our forefathers could neither have set up partners with Allah, nor prohibited anything (against His will).” People prior to them had disbelieved in that same manner, right until they tasted Our torment. Say, “If you have any specific knowledge then bring it out and show us. You merely pursue your presumptions! You just guess and speculate!””

Do not we hear the same words from those who worship graves? When they are asked to prove their act from quran and sunnah, they say that if this was any wrogn they would have been ruined by now. But they do not come up with any justification from quran or sunnah because there is no support for their acts in islam. They only do what they have seen their pirs and imams doing.

In another place, ALLAH swt said: 7:071

“Hood) said, “The wrath and the curse of your Lord are already upon you. Do you argue with me concerning (just) some names that you and your forefathers have conjured up. Allah has not revealed any authority for them. So wait on, I too shall wait along with you.””

Read the verse quoted above carefully, isn’t it true for those who are still among us, and who do all the non sense in the name of islam by following those whose sanad was never revealed by ALLAH SWT? How come these people reject quran? Do not they read quran or do they forget to understand it? Quran is the book of hidayat and guidance rather than a book to make taweezat and to do magic.

There are many other verses in the holy Quran that talk about the same thing i.e. to follow that the “forefathers” did or said and to forget to follow and adhere to what ALLAH swt reveled. We will be responsible for our deeds and our understanding, what our forefathers did belong to them, if they were wrong there is no obligation on us to be equally wrong.

ALLAH SWT SAYS: 7: 172-173

“And (remember) when your Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their loins, their seed (or from Adam's loin his offspring) and made them testify as to themselves (saying): "Am I not your Lord?" They said: "Yes! We testify," lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection: "Verily, we have been unaware of this." Or lest you should say, “It was in fact our forefathers who started (practicing) ‘shirk’ _ (accepted others as Allah’s partners). We were mainly the descendants who came much later. Will you then punish us for the deeds of the wrongdoers?””


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