Fun Islamic Facts

Did you know that cow's milk has a cure for every illness in it?
Yes, it's true! On the authority of 'Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood (may Allaah be pleased with him), the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:
"Drink cow's milk! For verily it (the cow) eats from all kinds of vegetation, and it (the milk) is a cure for every illness." [1]
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Did you know that one of the Companions was reported to have lived 250 years?
It's true! It has been reported that Salmaan Al-Faarisee (may Allaah be pleased with him) lived 250 years. Some reports even say 350 years. [2] However, this seems unlikely due to the statement of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam):
"The lifespans (of the members) of my ummah are between 60 and 70 (years). Few live beyond this." [3]
A number of scholars rejected the reports about Salmaan al-Faarisee living 250 years, like Ath-Thahabee, since there are no connected chains to any of them. He suggested that Salmaan probably did not live past his seventies [2], and Allaah knows best.
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Did you know that there is a kind of kufr (disbelief) that is obligatory on every Muslim?
Yes, there is. In fact, one can not be a Muslim without commiting this act of disbelief. It is the disbelief that Allaah refers to in the Verse [4]:
( So whoever disbelieves in the taaghoot (those worshipped other than Allaah) and believes in Allaah, verily he has grabbed hold of the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. )
It is a condition for a person's acceptance of Islaam that he disbelieves in everything that is worshipped besides Allaah, as belief in Allaah along with other deities has not caused a person to enter into Islaam. This is the essence of a Muslim's testimony of faith: Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah, meaning: "There is nothing worthy of worship except Allaah."
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Did you know that there are Muslims who claim to have the same level of faith as the angels and prophets?
Yes, there are. They are a group of innovators called the Murji'ah. The Murji'ah claim that eemaan (faith) is one level, it does not increase or decrease. Based on this, they claim that a person either has eemaan or not; so whoever has it, he has the same amount of eemaan as the angels and the prophets!
Of course, the Murji'ah's beliefs are rejected by many Verses in the Qur'aan and narrations from the Messenger that prove that eemaan has levels and it fluxuates due to a person's obedience or disobedience. For example, Allaah says [5]:
( Verily the believers are only those whose hearts tremble at the mention of Allaah, and when His Verses are recited they are increased in eemaan, and they put their trust in Allaah )
So the Qur'aan proves clearly that eemaan increases. As for the decrease of eemaan, Sufyaan ibn 'Uyaynah was asked, "Does eemaan increase and decrease?"
He replied, "Don't you read the Qur'aan: ( So their eemaan was increased ) in so many places?"
Then it was said, "But does it decrease?"
He replied, "Nothing increases except that it also decreases!" [6]
This shows how ridiculous it is to believe that eemaan does not increase or decrease, which implies that the drunk, fornicating Muslim has the same level of eemaan as the righteous Muslims, the Prophets, and even the Angels!


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