The Fundamental Goals of Islam

The fundamental goals of Islam are:
  1. Preservation of the religion of Islam.
  2. Preservation of life.
  3. Preservation of wealth.
  4. Preservation of mind.
  5. Preservation of the lineage.
  6. Preservation of honor.
The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad said:
"Indeed Allah has made your lives, your wealth, and your honor inviolable, like the sanctity of this day (the Day of 'Arafah in Hajj), in this [sacred] month (the month of Dhul-Hijjah, the 12th month of the Islamic Calendar) in this [sacred] locality (Makkah and its surroundings). (Bukhari)
He also said:
"Shall I tell you who a true believer is? A person with whom others entrust their money and lives. A Muslim is one from whose tongue and hand others are safe. A true fighter in the path of Allah is one who strives against the inner yearnings of his self in order to obey Allah, and the true emigrant (one who leaves a land of disbelief and immigrates to a land of belief) is one who leaves sins and wrongful acts." (Ibn Hibbaan)


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