Nevertheless, there are Muslim women
today who choose to wear the burqa on account of a sincerely held
Islamic belief. Whatever my personal opinions, it is a choice that I
must honor and respect.
It is no doubt true that in parts of the
post-colonial Muslim world, there has emerged an increasingly
puritanical interpretation of Islam, the most grotesque of which can
found in Afghanistan where women are often forced to wear the face veil
under the threat of state molestation. This, of course, represents an
illicit form of religious coercion, one that has quite rightly elicited
moral condemnation from all quarters of the world. Indeed, it is
precisely this kind of backwardness (I’m afraid there is no other word)
that must be condemned and actively resisted by Muslim men and women,
both within Afghanistan and without. I suspect many Muslims would be far
more sympathetic to a democratically-enacted law that–were it to
contain a sunset provision—put restrictions on the wearing of a burqa in
country like Afghanistan, assuming it was passed with the express
intention of countering the deeply-ingrained misogyny that has plagued
the nation for more than two decades. That said, France’s ban on the
burqa represents something altogether different.
In what amounts to childish posturing,
much has been made of the fact that the law does not explicitly single
out Muslim women or the burqa itself. However, it is matter of common
knowledge that laws that are facially neutral can have a “disparate
impact” on a particular racial, religious, ethnic, or gender minority.
This was the case with voting laws in the 1960’s in the United States in
which, under the pretense of neutrality, legislation was passed to
deliberately disenfranchise black Americans, even if the laws made no
explicit mention of race. In light of the lengthy debates that preceded
the law’s passage within the French Parliament and society, it is beyond
argument that this ban was enacted to specifically criminalize the
wearing of the burqa by Muslim women.
In a nation of 65 million people, an
astonishingly small number of women wear the burqa in France, with
estimates ranging between 350-2000 women. Among this almost invisible
subset, no evidence has been furnished that the burqa is being worn out
of a sense of compulsion. Indeed, Human Rights Watch, the foremost
defender of human rights throughout the world, has consistently opposed the ban
in France, Belgium, Turkey, and other nations with a strong secular
tradition, despite leading a worldwide campaign against forced-veiling
in Afghanistan and elsewhere. Likewise, the Open Society Foundation
recently undertook an exhaustive study of 32 Muslim women
who wear burqa in France. In addition to finding zero instances of
forced-veiling, the Foundation noted that the majority of these women
were educated, gainfully employed, lived active social lives, and,
depending on the environment, sometimes even chose not to wear
the burqa. Due to the dearth of evidence that would sustain a finding of
coerced-veiling in France, supporters of the ban have adopted a
remarkably condescending attitude toward Muslim women who choose to wear
the face veil. No matter how articulate, solemn, and emphatic a Muslim
woman is in asserting that her decision to wear the face veil was the
product of free-choice, detractors insist that she is
prevaricating, too brainwashed to know what she is really thinking, or
simply unable to comprehend the disservice she is doing to fellow Muslim
women throughout the world. In my mind, it is hard to conceive of a
more patronizing attitude towards members of the fairer sex.
Another common justification for the ban is that the burqa would make personal identification for
“security purposes” impracticable at airports, banks, courts, etc. Here
again, the purported justification is farcical. Several of the most
prominent female supporters of the burqa in France, some of whom have
appeared in public debates,
have been clear in stating that every Muslim woman has a civic duty to
abide by the laws of her country and must accommodate security-related
concerns, as in the case of removing the face veil upon entering a bank,
or providing live testimony in court. Not only is this a common-sense
requirement, but also an essential element of Islamic law, which demands
that Muslims obey the law of their respective countries. There is
simply no reason to believe that a woman in France donning the burqa
would refuse to comply with French law enforcement when
the occasion demanded–it is an “argument” designed to
contrive controversy where none exists.
Supporters of the ban have further
pointed to legal precedents that give states’ license to regulate one’s
manner of dress, as in this case of banning nudity. However, this
argument too rests on sophistic reasoning: nudity is banned on account
of it lewd and lascivious character, one that all reasonable adults
agree would have an insidious effect on children and the general moral
culture of a nation, if left unregulated. In obvious contrast, the burqa
in France is worn by Muslim women on account of a sincerely held
religious belief, the expression of which does not promote a moral
hazard except under the most prejudiced understanding. Commenting on
both the issue of security and public welfare, Human Rights Watch states, “There
is no evidence that wearing the full veil in public threatens public
safety, public order, health, morals, or the fundamental rights and
freedoms of others – the only legitimate grounds for interference with
fundamental rights.” Thus, if a person wishes to express a
sincerely held religious belief that produces no discernible harm to
others, why should the State be empowered to suppress
that natural right?
In short, the arguments put forward in
defense of the ban again-and-again do not withstand basic intellectual
scrutiny. Commentators appear to be nearly unanimous in their belief
that, under the aegis of Nicolas Sarkozy, and despite the incessant
moralizing about preserving “French culture,” this burqa law was enacted
to placate right-wing elements within France. There is indeed emerging
within Europe as well as the United States an increased hostility
towards Islam and Muslims, championed by the likes of Peter King,
Caroline Fourest, Geert Wilders, and others. One should not exaggerate
the plight of Western Muslims but, particularly in the case of Europe,
the burqa ban and related anti-Islamic measures speak more to fear of
the increased visibility of Islam in the West than a genuine desire to
preserve enduring “Western” values. As reported by the New York Times,
Switzerland imposed a ban on the construction of minarets on mosques in
2009 under circumstances the bear a remarkable resemblance to the
present controversy. In the United States, politicians vied with one
another in expressing opposition to the “Ground Zero Mosque,” with even purportedly liberal politicians
falling prey to the extreme hysteria perpetuated by the American right.
The Pew Research Center found that mainstream news outlets covered the mosque controversy more than any other religious story in 2010,
outstripping the Catholic Priest abuse scandal. Why, then, did coverage
come to an abrupt halt following the mid-term congressional election?
If this was a story of such vital importance to the “national
conversation,” why was the controversy abandoned in almost-perfect sync
with the completion of the 2010 election cycle? Moderates in both Europe
and America must recognize that, with increasing frequency and
shamelessness, ideologues in the West are politicizing Islam and
treating Muslims like chattel simply to gain short-term political
momentum. This very same ruse has been employed
with impressive facility against minority groups throughout American and
European history. Strangely, while going to great lengths to distance
themselves from Sarkozy, some Muslim supporters of the ban such as Mona
Eltahawy insist that law represents a first-step towards liberation of
Muslim women throughout the world. Among other things, this view reveals
a profound inability (or unwillingness) to contextualize the
controversy and consider the political environment in which the law was
enacted. Any decent citizen of a democratic nation ought to remain
deeply suspicious of laws that single out a minority group for
discrimination, particularly if that group has faced increasing
prejudice and marginalization from within.
In assessing the solemnity of those who
continually interject themselves in public controversies that implicate
matters of “individual liberty” and “human rights,” I always find it
useful to juxtapose their views alongside those organizations that have
committed themselves to defending the lives of men, women, and children
throughout the world. To date, every mainstream secular human rights
group, from Human Rights Watch to Amnesty International, has actively
opposed the ban on the burqa—are we to really believe that these
entities have conspired to tell a lie designed to perpetuate the
exploitation and enslavement of Muslim women? Or that these professional
organizations are too incompetent to recognize that this law is an
vital first-step towards their emancipation? Whatever one may wish to
say about this controversy, if there is indeed a valid justification for
France’s ban on the burqa, the world’s most competent authorities on
human rights seem unable to apprehend it.
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