Sunnats of Wudhu (Wuzu)

  • There are 13 sunnat of wudhu, they are as follow
    • 1. Making intention(Niyat Karna, making intension that I am making wudhu for doing ibadat of Allah)
      2. Read Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
      3. Wash you’re both hands three times just above the wrist, wash right hand wrist first and then left hand wrist.
      4. Doing mishwak
      5. Rinsing and gargling the mouth three times
      6. Wash your nose three times (Clean the nostrils of the nose by sniffing water into them, three times.)
      7. Wash every part three times
      8. Do khilal of beard(pass wet fingers into the beard.)
      9. Do khilal of hands and legs finger
      10. Do one time Masha of whole head
      11. Do Mashah of both ear’s
      12. Do wudhu in the right format
      13. Keep on doing wudhu means wash one part after the other part so no part dries up before the Wudhu is completed


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